Clinical Nutrition Mentorship Program
This is Your Opportunity to Become the “Wellness Expert”
Seminar/Workshop Overview:
I will be recording the sessions with Real practitioners going through the same materials you will see online. You will learn how to incorporate a nutrition-oriented examination as part of a comprehensive history, review of symptoms, examination, appropriate laboratory testing, report of findings, etc.
There is over 4o hours of instruction.
As an online participant you will have the opportunity to come to one of my clinics and do a hands-on session during scheduled times for a greatly reduced fee. So you won’t be left in cyberworld wondering how to put it all together, we will do hands-on history, examination and laboratory tests. We will discuss real cases and cover cases you may be stuck on.
Seminar/Workshop Objective:That practitioner’s feel empowered to begin, improve or expand a Functional Medicine Practice with confidence. Participants will be guided through a systematic approach to develop effective procedures and protocols. Effective methods to evaluate, assess, and utilize innovative nutritional therapeutic options will be taught for the successful management of chronic health conditions and support improved health outcomes. By thinking outside of the box, the practitioner will be able to “unravel” the mystery of “The Gordian Knot” of chronic disease management simply and effectively.
Learning Objectives for Practitioner:
- The practitioner will understand the approach needed to effectively manage chronic diseases from the initial phone call to the release to maintenance care.
- The practitioner will be able to identify the clinical utility of various nutrients and treatment options.
- The practitioner will feel confident in the management of chronic diseases!
- The practitioner will expand his/her tools available for addressing patients’ metabolic, functional, and biochemical issues.
What will the practitioner receive?
- The confidence to tackle chronic disease.
- Patient procedures from beginning to end. The practitioner will receive both a printed and modifiable digital copy saving the practitioner hours in creating the forms. Just add your clinic information. Forms include: initial phone contact, intake forms, informed consent forms, protocol sheets, etc. Allows for easy and rapid initiation.
- Modifiable PowerPoint presentations for Report of Findings, patient lectures and lectures for the general public. Topics include: male and female hormones, cancer, thyroid, stress, etc.
- Templates for: Public Service Announcements, newspaper articles, staff meetings, etc.
- Follow-up consultations for patient questions and implementation strategies.