Clinical Mentorship Program
Whether you are just beginning to treat patients, or you are a seasoned veteran, this educational material will greatly enhance your practice and your own personal health. The Clinical Mentorship Program is for clinicians who really want to take care of sick people and transform the lives of those they have the privilege of treating.
In this 40-hour video series, you will learn quick, effective methods of testing in order to answer these questions:
$1125 Value
for only $495
How do we know the patient has a deficiency?……
Will a particular nutrient help the condition?………
Is the offending mechanism removed?………
When do we change the protocol?………
When is the deficiency corrected?………
​When to introduce Life-time Aging Gracefully Protocols?
You will learn how to identify, assess and treat Chronic Degenerative Diseases
and Correct Biochemical, Functional and Metabolic Health Issues
~ Naturally, Safely and Effectively!
Our Three Working Models of Health vs Disease
will guide us through this process
That's not all...
Included in your Membership:
Over 20 hours of our "Without A Doubt" Seminar Series!
Here is what other healthcare practitioners are saying…
This is Your Opportunity to Become the “Wellness Expert”
Overview: There are over 4o hours of instruction in which you will learn a functional medicine view on a variety of subjects including how to incorporate a nutrition-oriented examination as part of a comprehensive history, review of symptoms, examination, appropriate laboratory testing, report of findings, etc.
How Does It Work?
The Clinical Mentorship video series is broken down into one-hour segments on different topics you will encounter in your practice. You can learn at your own pace through the portal 24/7 by logging in after you have subscribed. Dr. Peterson is available for one-on-one mentorship with a scheduled appointment. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Peterson by emailing him.
As an online participant, you will have the opportunity to come to one of my clinics and do a hands-on session during scheduled times for a greatly reduced fee. You won’t be left in cyberworld wondering how to put it all together, we will do hands-on history, examination and laboratory tests. We will discuss real cases and cover cases in which you may be stuck. You can also join in on clinical rounds every Tuesday evening at 7 pm (EST) to discuss current topics and discuss clinical cases.
Objective: The object for the Clinical Mentorship Program is for practitioner’s to feel empowered to begin, improve or expand a Functional Medicine Practice with confidence. Participants will be guided through a systematic approach to develop effective procedures and protocols. Effective methods to evaluate, assess, and utilize innovative nutritional therapeutic options will be taught for the successful management of chronic health conditions and support improved health outcomes. By thinking outside of the box, the practitioner will be able to “unravel” the mystery of “The Gordian Knot” of chronic disease management simply and effectively.
Learning Objectives for Practitioner:
The practitioner will understand the approach needed to effectively manage chronic diseases from the initial phone call, to the release, to maintenance care.
The practitioner will be able to identify the clinical utility of various nutrients and treatment options.
The practitioner will feel confident in the management of chronic diseases!
The practitioner will expand his/her tools available for addressing patients’ metabolic, functional, and biochemical issues.
What will the practitioner receive?
The confidence to tackle chronic disease.
Patient procedures from beginning to end. The practitioner will receive both a printed and modifiable digital copy saving the practitioner hours in creating the forms. Just add your clinic information. Forms include: initial phone contact, intake forms, informed consent forms, protocol sheets, etc. These allow for easy and rapid initiation.
Modifiable PowerPoint presentations for Report of Findings, patient lectures and lectures for the general public. Topics include: male and female hormones, cancer, thyroid, stress, etc.
Templates for: Public Service Announcements, newspaper articles, staff meetings, etc.
Follow-up consultations for patient questions and implementation strategies.
"Without A Doubt" Seminar Series: Over 20 hours of pre-recorded seminars covering: weight loss, blood chemistry & chronic disease and much more. Click Here to get all the details.
Why all of this for such a low cost? It's simple! I have learned from my mentors, and I want to pay it forward.
I want to see practitioners have the successful practice of their dreams. Anyone who has been to one of my seminars knows that my passion is sharing what I have learned from mentors!